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Resilience Voyage Workshops

Lower Academy students recently boarded the ‘Drugs Bus’, to participate in preventative workshops, delivered by Emma & Kerry from Resilience Voyage.

Students engaged in challenges and activities linked to the sensitive topics of offending, substance misuse and knife crime. In one of the challenges, students were locked in a mock up prison cell and were tasked with solving a series of clues to unlock the cell door.

All students that took part immersed themselves in the experience and contributed well to the activities and group discussions.

“We learned a lot about the dangers of drugs and the reasons why people take them.” Isabel.S – Year 9

“I found the drug bus entertaining and useful because it taught me how to problem solve. The prison cell was fun as we had to check every corner looking for clues. On the top deck of the bus there were pictures of drugs houses and a life size doll that was a representation of someone who didn’t care about life.” Abdi.A – Year 7

“I learned about how taking drugs and being involved with knife crime can affect your life. We also saw what a room in a drugs house looks like.” Lui.D – Year 7

“The escape room challenge was difficult, but I enjoyed trying to solve the puzzles to get out of the room. I learned that mental health is very important.” Archie.C – Year 9