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The arrangements for safeguarding are effective. Pupils know there is an adult they can speak to if they have concerns. They learn how to keep safe in person and online through the PSHE curriculum and some enrichment activities.

Ofsted 2023

Safeguarding our students is at the forefront of everything we do. Please contact our Safeguarding Officers if you have any concerns about your own child or another student at the Academy:

In addition to our Safeguarding Officers there are 31 members of staff across both sites who are 'Level 3 Safeguarding' qualified. 

Parents/Carers can access information via the following link  which offers guidance and signposts to resources on various safeguarding issues. 

S Peake
Designated Safeguarding Lead

J Russell
Deputy Designated Safeguarding Lead


V Oddy
Designated Safeguarding Lead for Enhanced Provisions

L Sherman
Senior Mental Health Lead

N Hullyer
Deputy Designated Safeguarding Lead for Enhanced Provisions

Staff are well trained to identify and report safeguarding concerns. Leaders carry out checks on adults who work at the school and manage allegations made about staff appropriately. Leaders respond to safeguarding concerns quickly and take appropriate actions, including referrals to outside agencies.

Ofsted 2023